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Argo's Pathway to Success

Argo的成功之路学习社区是为那些在大学里表现出成功潜力的一年级学生准备的, 但学校认为谁将从过渡支持中受益,以最大限度地提高他们在UWF的成就.


Argo的成功之路学习社区的特点和要求是专门设计的,以帮助学生开始坚强,并为长期的大学成功做好准备. 衔接课程的学生将有一个专门的学术顾问和学生支持人员团队,在UWF的第一年提供指导和帮助

1. 在秋季学期注册最多11个学分,以缓解过渡,并在第一学期最大限度地取得成功.
2. As part of the 11 credits for Fall semester, students will complete the Foundations for Academic Success Seminar (SLS 1109).
3. 参加新生培训活动,并与学术顾问确认课程安排
4. 2024年8月18日前完成Canvas中Argo的成功之路欢迎模块. (an invitation and instructions will be provided in early August).
5. If interested, join the SLS instructors and First Year advisors to attend New Student Convocation on August 16, 2024 (an invitation will be provided in early August).



提交 Argo’s Pathway to Success Confirmation Form, 确认您的入学资格,并确认本页所述的要求. The Pathway has a limited number of seats, so students should reserve their spots as soon as possible. 在2024年5月1日之前提交确认表的学生将保证在该衔接课程中获得一席之地. After this deadline, space is not guaranteed. Argo的“学生成功之路”项目将在7月30日或项目满员时结束, 2024. 请填写所有栏目,并留出3至5个工作日来处理您的确认表格. Once received, your formal intent to enroll will then be reflected in your MyUWF portal under application status.



Questions about the admission process or steps to enrolling:
Monique Cossich, Associate Director, Undergraduate 火博体育

Questions about Argo's Pathway to Success activities, support resources, etc.
 Contact the Center for Academic Success at

Why was this my admissions decision?

参与者被本科火博体育办公室录取进入衔接课程. 学生 offered admissions have demonstrated potential success in college, 但总体学术状况表明,他们将受益于过渡支持,以最大限度地提高他们在第一学期的成绩. Pathway参与者可以注册为春季学期的全日制学生,并在四年内顺利毕业.

Do I have to participate in Argo's Pathway to Success?
For students offered admission via the Pathway, it 是必需的 to enroll at UWF for the fall semester.



The Pathway has a limited number of seats, so students should reserve their spots as soon as possible. 学生 who submit their Argo's Pathway to Success Confirmation Form by May 1, 2024 will be guaranteed a place in the program. After this deadline, space in the program is not guaranteed. Pathway enrollment will end when the program reaches capacity or by July 30, 2024.

How do students confirm/reserve a spot in the Argo's Pathway to Success?
学生 can access their MyUWF帐户 and search Argo's Pathway to Success Confirmation Form or use the link found above. 从那里, 他们将能够填写并提交确认表格,以表明他们注册的意图并同意项目所需的条款和条件. 

When is Orientation for Argo's Pathway to Success students? Is there a specific session for Pathway students?
进入该衔接课程的学生将从夏季开放的新生入学指导中进行选择. Registration can be found in the Next Steps checklist in their MyUWF帐户.


What courses will I be taking?
In addition to the Foundations for Academic Success Seminar (SLS1109), 学生将根据他们想要的学位课程注册第一学期的课程. 作为夏季新生入学指导的一部分,学生们将与他们的第一年指导老师见面,以确定他们的课程安排.

Are students limited to a maximum of 11 credit hours beyond Fall?

Can Argo's Pathway to Success students receive financial aid?
衔接课程的学生可以获得按比例的经济援助,以帮助他们支付课程的费用. 学生必须尽快完成2024/2025年FAFSA(2023年10月可用),以确定当年的援助资格.


在非常有限的情况下,一些学位课程可能不允许外部选修课,如SLS1109. 某些形式的经济援助可能不包括这门课程,如果它属于学位计划之外. 因为这门课程提供了Argo的成功之路的基础,并提供了各种独特的和特殊的好处, 学生需要做出必要的财务安排,以确保作为Argos成功之路的参与者,支付1学分课程的费用.

如果你收到一份通知,表明该课程不包括在经济援助中,请在采取任何行动之前联系你的学术顾问. These emails are auto-generated, 而且经常, the course can be applied to the degree manually, which corrects the issue. 学生 are highly encouraged to complete the FAFSA, as many forms of aid can be used to cover this cost

When do Argo’s Pathway to Success Program students pay the bill for the semester?

All fees for Fall 2024 will be due in mid-August 2024. Student can view their student bill via Transact in MyUWF beginning in mid-July.

Can I use my VA benefits while in the Argo’s Pathway to Success?
Degree-seeking students are eligible to use VA benefits. 有关认证信息,请联系军事和退伍军人资源中心mvrc@uwf.Edu或850.474.2550.

How will the 11 credit hour maximum requirement affect my VA stipend?
11个学时的最大值将使您的VA认证在您的生活津贴的3/4时间和每月的3/4时间使用. The following spring semester, when enrolling in 12+ credit hours, term 1 (NOTE: credit requirements change with terms and semester), 您的VA认证将为您提供全职生活津贴和使用一个月的福利

Are Argo’s Pathway to Success students required to stay on campus?
No. However, living on campus is highly encouraged for all first year students. 以前的Pathway参与者在选择住在校园里时选择加入一个生活学习社区. 加入一个社区不需要额外的费用,并且让学生有机会在UWF的第一年从事高影响力的实践.

Are Argo’s Pathway to Success students required to have a 膳食计划?
If a student lives on campus during their first year, a 膳食计划 是必需的. If a student is not living on campus, a 膳食计划 is optional, 但是提供了一个很好的地方去闲逛,在我们的一个餐厅认识新朋友.