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Welcome to the 学生组织 Frequently Asked Questions page! 我们将最常见的问题分为四个部分,以便更容易找到您想要的答案.

1. How many student organizations are there at the 火博体育?

There are more than 100 organizations at the 火博体育. 看看 阿尔戈号脉冲的网上资料库,供学生组织浏览组织及申请加入! 使用您的myUWF用户名和密码登录并查看更多信息.

2. What types of student organizations are at UWF?

注册学生组织(RSOs), 兄弟会和姐妹会, 部门组织, 和体育俱乐部. 在rso中,有六个类别:

  • 学术或荣誉学会
  • 宣传及服务
  • 以文化或身份为基础
  • 信仰或基于信仰的
  • 专业或学术
  • 特殊利益

3. What are the benefits of becoming a member of a student organization?

Student organizations foster valuable experiences, friendship and a sense of belonging to the University community! 加入一个学生组织,探索你的兴趣,确定你喜欢什么,以及你喜欢如何度过你的时间. It’s a great, low-risk way to help you identify a potential major! Experience in student organizations will help you build critical thinking, 沟通和团队合作能力, 哪些被称为“可转移技能”,是大多数未来雇主所需要的. 雇主看到你能够成功地平衡学业和课外活动,你是一个全面发展的候选人. 另外, 在你选择的职业中,找到一个学生版的专业协会是一个很好的社交工具, 即使你是远程学习者.

4. Does the 火博体育 have Fraternity and Sorority Life?

是的! To see which fraternities and sororities are active at UWF, visit

5. 如何加入学生组织?

You can request to join most student organizations through 阿尔戈号脉冲. 您将在组织主页的顶部看到加入组织的链接. Be aware that some organizations have membership requirements; therefore, you may want to contact the Primary Contact individual of the organization. 您可以通过阿尔戈号脉冲消息传递或在UWF Gmail中输入他们的名字与他们联系. You might also want to meet the members before joining an organization; there are two student organization fairs each year, toward the beginning of each semester (fall/spring).

6. 有这么多的组织. How do I know which one is right for me?

我们的在线数据库, 阿尔戈号脉冲, 会根据你在搜索栏输入的关键词向你推荐组织吗. You might want to join organizations that directly connect with your major. If you're not yet at that point of knowing your major, 考虑其他与你的爱好和兴趣一致的组织. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件

7. Can part-time, commuter and graduate 学生 join student organizations?

是的! 但是有些组织有会员资格要求,所以要和具体的组织核实一下. 学生组织的会员资格是一个很好的方式,可以充分利用你的经验,加强你与UWF的联系!

1. 什么是阿尔戈脉冲?

阿尔戈号脉冲 是一个在线数据库系统,由一家名为Presence的公司开发和管理. 它通过开发电子表格和流程支持注册学生组织(RSO)的管理, 以及一个过程管理系统,可以在适当的时候配置为包括多个级别的批准.

另外, 它为rso提供了一个安全的网站,该网站使用所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器进行编辑. Stakeholders in this project include student leaders, 学生, 教员/员工, 校园管理人员和校友.

2. What is my username and password for 阿尔戈号脉冲?

All 学生, faculty and staff have access to 阿尔戈号脉冲! Simply use your MyUWF username and password to sign on, 浏览学生组织, build your profile and access campus-wide events. Generic usernames and passwords will NOT allow you to log in; ITS Central Authentication requires individuals to log in with their individual accounts

3. How do I update my organization’s roster or add/remove an officer?

各组织有能力和责任使其组织的名册和官员名单保持最新. To do so, you must log in to 阿尔戈号脉冲. Next, you must select “Admin Dashboard” from the top right menu. Then, click on the organization under Manage and Organizations. 从组织的页面中选择右上方的铅笔按钮. 编辑任何不正确的信息. At the bottom you will see the Officer/Member roster. 您可以添加新成员, change current members to Former status, and change the type of member or officer. Once done please select Submit for Approval at the top of the page.

4. How do I delete my membership in an organization I am no longer active in?

Students can request to be removed from an organization one of two ways. The first is to go to the page of the organization they joined. To the left of the join button is a button that says "Contact". 这将打开一个窗口,允许他们发送从组织中删除的请求. 第二种方法是发电子邮件 and ask to be removed from the organization.

5. How do I submit an event form on 阿尔戈号脉冲?

所有事件必须通过EMS注册! Once your event has been submitted and approved through EMS, 您可以使用阿尔戈号脉冲上的活动表格来宣传您机构的活动. 通过阿尔戈号脉冲推广的活动必须是向校园社区开放的活动(例如.e. not chapter meetings or member only events). Log on to 阿尔戈号脉冲 using your MyUWF username and password. 在页面顶部,单击希望为其提交事件的组织. If you have a position that gives you access, you will click on Forms and then select the Student Organization Event Form. 填妥表格并递交. To check on your pending form, click Forms and then View My Submissions.

1. 学生组织如何获得资金来举办校园活动、旅行等.?

注册学生组织可向学生自治会预算及拨款委员会申请拨款. 学生组织可以通过年度预算程序申请资金,也可以申请组织补助金. For 资源 and more information, visit 请发邮件给Pam Marg (pmarg@uwf).Edu),如果你有问题. Student organizations may also hold fundraising events on campus. 有关资料,请参阅 融资政策 在重要策略部分中. 

2. 谁可以当顾问?

顾问必须在校园内,全职,带薪教师,专业或批准的工作人员. 研究生可能不会担任主要顾问,但可以担任组织的次要顾问. 有关更多信息,请参见 顾问 在重要策略部分中. 

3. 顾问的角色是什么?

顾问扮演着各种各样的角色,包括导师、促进者、向导和资源. To learn more about being a student organization advisor, 请考虑参加秋季/春季学期的学生组织顾问研讨会. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件 你也可以通读 顾问 在重要策略部分中. 

1. 学生组织如何筹钱举办校园活动、旅游等.?

学生组织可向学生自治会预算及拨款委员会申请拨款. 学生组织可以通过年度预算程序申请资金,也可以申请组织补助金. 有关资源,请访问 学生会 网站. 欲了解更多信息,请发邮件至

2. 我如何使用通过SGA年度预算拨款分配给我的组织的资金?

访问SGA网站获取资源. 欲了解更多信息,请发电子邮件

3. Are there requirements to remain an active registered student organization?

是的. 注册的学生组织必须至少有五名活跃的学生成员, 一位教职员工顾问,并在该组织的阿尔戈号脉冲页面上提供最新信息. 此外,组织必须更新组织的信息(花名册、官员等).) on 阿尔戈号脉冲 at least once each academic year. 参观 更新学生组织 section of our 网站 for detailed information.

4. Where do we go to reserve space on campus?

All reservation and event registrations go through EMS. EMS可以通过myUWF应用程序找到. This process must be completed by an officer of the student organization, the organization must be registered to have access to EMS. 

5. Does the University provide banner paper?

是的. 注册学生组织每学期可在大学公共场所(22号楼)服务台领取最多五张横幅纸。.

6. 我们在哪里登记单张横幅?

At the Service Desk in the University Commons (Building 22).

7. Who should I contact for assistance, guidance, and 资源?

You have some options, depending on your inquiry. You may simply need to seek advice from fellow organization members, previous officers who have been in the organization longer than you, 或者你的学生组织顾问! 大学公地 & 学生参与 网站 offers a slew of information, as well. The Student Organization 网站 offers general information, 资源, 领导项目, 即将来临的事件, and contact information for the 学生参与 team. The Student IEngagement team is also here to serve you! 在位于大学公共室的学生活动办公室预约或停下来. 244(建筑物. 22 Rm. 发送电子邮件至

8. 如何更新已注册学生组织的Argonet帐户(primary @uwf).Edu(电邮地址)?

1. 电子邮件 and let them know your needs for this Argonet account. 他们会给你回邮件询问细节,然后联系ITS进行这些更改. 学生 will email you when the changes have been made.
2. 一旦你收到那封邮件, you have account access and should update your RSO Argonet account password. Be sure to update your account password every time you update your RP list. 要做到这一点:

a. 登录
b. In the Search field, search for My Account
c. 选择“我的账户”应用.
d.Under the Argonet Account section on the left side of the page, 从Working with:下拉菜单中选择您组织的Argonet帐户名称.
e. Click on the View Password or Change Password link.

9. How can I get an Argonet account for my organization?

电子邮件 and they will reach out to you to set this up