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任何UWF利益相关者, 包括威斯康星大学的教职工, 工作人员, 校友, 和学生,以及董事会或顾问组成员, 可向荣誉颁奖及嘉许委员会(HARC)提交提名以供考虑. 外部团体的提名应通过大学利益相关者进行. Nomination forms and instruction are available on the 荣誉奖项及学位 website located under 奖项类型.

Complete nomination submittals will be reviewed by the committee in the fall and spring of each academic year for presentation of honorary degree candidates at spring and fall commencement, 分别, (e.g. 春季开学的秋季复习和秋季开学的春季复习). 因此, honorary degree nomination packets should be submitted no later than June 15 or December 15 to the President's Office for full consideration. Complete nomination submittals for the Founders Medallion and the Presidential Medal of Honor will be considered as received and reviewed quarterly during the academic year.

所有完整的提名包必须提交至 PresidentsOffice@ydspd.com 数码格式,方便分发及提交委员会审阅. The President will seek the advice and counsel of the committee and may also consult with past recipients of awards to help in the determination.

经过适当考虑后, the committee may endorse a different level of recognition than the nominator recommended when the committee members deem a different award to be a better fit for the accomplishments and contributions apparent in the nomination materials. 在这种情况下,委员会主席将提供一份更改荣誉的书面理由.

The criteria for personal recognition in the awards in HARC purview include the following characteristics:

  • Excellent character exemplifying at least one of the UWF values; including Caring, 多样性, 引人入胜的, 股本, 创新, 和完整性;
  • 杰出的:在艺术或科学方面的杰出成就或杰出, 教育, 职业生涯, 公共服务, 慈善事业, 或私营企业;
  • 以及以下其中之一:
    • 杰出的:在国家或国际层面上的杰出;
    • A significant connection with or history of support of the University; or
    • 对大学所服务的领域作出杰出贡献的记录.


HARC will make a formal recommendation that will be confirmed by the Board of Trustees upon request of the President. 成功的候选人将由校长办公室以书面形式通知. All parties involved in the process should exercise discretion in speaking with nominated individuals prior to an official notification being issued by the President's Office. 院长可批准对这项要求的豁免.

没有学院或其他分支机构可以授予荣誉学位, 设备名称, 或授予校级奖项.

The ten-member HARC is a standing committee whose responsibility is to oversee the granting of university-level recognition to worthy individuals. The HARC consists of several types of individuals to ensure broad representation across the University. 包括主席在内的9名HARD成员有投票权.


  • 大学校长(除平局外无投票权)
  • 教务长/学术事务副校长
  • 大学发展部副主任,主席
  • 学生会会长
  • 大学档案
  • 四名教职员工
    • Recommended by the provost and appointed by the University president in consultation with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
    • 三年错开任期.
    • 学术表示:
      • 商学院- 1
      • 艺术、社会科学和人文学院- 1
      • 哈尔马库斯科学与工程学院- 1
      • Usha Kundu,医学博士,健康学院- 1
  • 一名有投票权的UWF员工.
    • Recommended by the Staff Senate to the vice president for administrative affairs and appointed by the president.
    • 任期三年.



  • HARC的正式推荐代表委员会成员的多数投票. HARC成员如不能出席会议,可委托其他HARC成员代为出席. 在平局的情况下,主席应投决定性的一票.
  • 虽然委员会负责审查所有大学级别的荣誉认可, the primary responsibility is the identification of an honorary degree candidate in relation to the fall and spring Commencement ceremonies. HARC可指定多于一名荣誉学位候选人出席每次毕业典礼.
  • HARC会代表大学覆核已填妥的提名资料. The members may independently gather additional information to enrich the review and discussion of each candidate.
  • HARC members may actively pursue nominations for their own candidates for honorary awards recognition; however, 如果一个人把候选人的名字提出来供考虑, 提名人必须回避对提名候选人的正式投票.


  • 主席收到提名后,将由主席办公室通知主席. The Chair will acknowledge receipt of the nominations and advise nominators regarding the anticipated timeline for deliberation and decision. The Chair will also advise nominators if the nominations are incomplete or have other challenges associated with the timing of the submission.


  • 主席每年两次公开征集UWF成员的提名, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生, 和BOT成员. The open call notice will contain directions for the preparation of a complete nomination application to the President’s Office.


  • The Chair will forward only complete nomination applications to the committee members a minimum of two weeks prior to scheduled meetings. 主席还将安排会议的时间和地点.


  • The Chair will draft the agenda memorandum and provide any other necessary documentation for objective review and approval by BOT members at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The President or President’s designee will be responsible for presenting the HARC recommendations to the BOT for confirmation.


  • HARC的协议将在网上公布. HARC will review the protocols at the first meeting of the academic year to determine if any changes are needed. 如果对协议进行了任何更改, HARC主席将负责传播这些变化, 包括更新网站.


  • 理由将把HARC的决定明确地与选拔标准联系起来.

The President is responsible for presenting candidates recommended by HARC to the Board of Trustees along with supporting documentation. The president may also suggest a nomination and work with HARC members to develop the appropriate submission of materials for the HARC review process. 院长认为必要时可为这一进程指定顾问.

校董会 may authorize the President to confer awards and recognitions following a recommendation by HARC. 校董会, 在其自由裁量权, 是否可以收集被提名人提交的材料以外的其他信息.



The fall standing meeting should take place in August to prepare and forward nominations for the Board of Trustees' scheduled September meeting. 在秋季入学过程中获得成功的候选人将在随后的春季开学典礼上受到欢迎. The coordinators will need to be active in recruiting nominees and preparing nominations during the preceding spring semester and submit nomination packets to the President’s office no later than June 15 to accommodate the necessary time needed for a Board of Trustees review in September.


The spring standing meeting should take place in January to prepare and forward nominations for the Board of Trustees' scheduled February meeting. 在春季过程中成功的候选人将在随后的秋季仪式上受到欢迎. The coordinators will need to be active in recruiting nominees during the preceding fall semester and submit nomination packets to the President’s office no later than December 15 to accommodate the necessary time needed for a Board of Trustees review in February.